domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2009

Tour "Olhar o Outro" / "Looking the Other"

Tour Duration: 5 day(s) - Monday to Friday

Price Groups up to 6 people

Price Groups up to 12 people

Includes: 2 Pic-Nic + 1 Barbecue + 1 Comparative Test of Wine
Season: 4/ 5 to 30/10


Escavação Arqueológica / Archaeological Excavation

Villa Romana Torre de Palma / Roman Villa of Torre de Palma

Anta Grande do Zambujeiro / Great Anta of Zambujeiro

Villa Romana de Tourega / Roman Villa of Tourega (Pic-Nic)

Gruta do Escoural / Escoural Cave

Villa Romanas de S. Cucufate / Villa of S. Cucufate

Villa Romana de Pisões / Roman villa of Pisões

The museums will also part of our Tour:

Vila Museu de Mytylis / Myrtylis Museum village

· Núcleo romano · Arte Islâmica · Castelo medieval de Mértola

· Basílica Paleocristã · Arte Sacra

Alcaçova Islamica e Museu Arqueológico de Badajoz / Islamic Alcaçova and Provincial Archaeological Museum of Badajoz

Museu de Arte Romano

Herdade do Esporão (Comparative Test of Wine)


Notes: Accommodation is not included in the tour price

Price Includes: Transport, Official guide, Entrance in the visited monuments and personal accidents insurance.

If you are already interested in joining one of our tours and want to know more, please contact:

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